Relax and have fun! It’s recreation, not a competition.

Do be friendly to everyone. Give a warm greeting, and introduce yourself–especially to new dancers and those you don’t know.

Wear your name tag so dancers can be on a first-name basis and to encourage friendly fellowship.

Set up your squares promptly when the caller starts the music. Don’t wait for an invitation to square up!

Join the nearest square that is forming. It’s not cool to walk through the middle of a square to get to another. Hold up your hand or fingers to indicate how many people are needed to complete the square.

Dance in different squares, not always with the same group! Make sure everybody feels included.

Remember your position when you square up (heads, sides, and position number).

Remember who’s your corner. They’re your most important dancer to you after your partner!

Use gentle handclasps! No rough handling or overly firm handholds.

Overlook mistakes made by others. Everybody makes them. Yes, even you! Be supportive. There will be times when you will need to gently guide your out-of-place neighbour back into position, and please try to be subtle when you do.

Square up again quickly if your square breaks down. Return to your home position with your original partner. If it’s a singing call, square up with your current partner.

Let the caller be the teacher. Resist the temptation to explain a call to others in your square. After the tip is over, your friends might appreciate some help from you… if you’re asked!

Maintain ‘touch’ in a square. Use quick taps or touches as you pass other dancers. This helps everybody maintain their positions in the square and will help you stay alert to your own position and direction.

Keep your squares tight when promenading. Otherwise, you may fall behind the music by taking too many steps.

Thank everyone in your square at the end of a tip. At the end of the evening, join in the friendship circle to thank everyone for an enjoyable time.